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Beaverton Schools


School photo of children in 1904 in front of the school house.

School photo of children in 1904 in front of the school house.

School photo of children in 1909 in front of the school house.

School photo of children in 1909 in front of the school house.

School photo of children in 1940 on porch of the school house.

School photo of children in 1940 on porch of the school house.

We acknowledge that Cooper Mountain School rests upon the traditional village sites of the Atfalati, Kalapuya, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, and Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, who are still present and influential today. We honor these tribes for being the original care-takers and protectors of these lands since time immemorial, and for passing on their teachings and life ways through past and present generations. 

The first Cooper Mountain School was a small one-room building. it was located about two-thirds of a mile west of the present Cooper Mountain School. The original building was replaced with a larger one-room school in 1912. The new school was located on the site of the present Cooper Mountain School.

A second classroom was added to the school in 1936, and further improvements were made in 1949 and 1954. In 1957, Cooper Mountain had three classroom teachers and a part-time music instructor.

In 1967 and 1970, School District 48 constructed a mostly new, modern 18-classroom elementary school at Cooper Mountain. The old building was remodeled and made part of the new school. Enrollment at the new school was 403 students in 1972. There were 578 students in grades K-5 in 1999-2000.

At Cooper Mountain School, annual terms were six and seven months up until 1905. From 1906 to 1912, they were eight months. After 1913, terms were nine months each year.

Taken from School Days, A History of Public Schools in and around Beaverton, Oregon, 1856-2000. Pub. 2000, Chapter 16, pp 130-131